Update - Feb 12, 2009: She's baaaaack! Luckily, Tila's found an angel inside to let her continue the online battle.
Yes, you heard it here first. In a sure sign the apocalypse is nigh, Tia Tequila has quit Twitter.
I was wondering why I wasn't receiving my daily shot of wit and wisdom from that Internet Star, Queen of all Media, Tia Tequila, so I browse over to her Twitter feed, only to find that the page "Doesn't Exist."
Being the true fan that I am, I know where to find her. But this is troubling. She accuses the Twitter community of the most vile transgressions. Could this be a vast, right wing conspiracy taking hold merely days after Obama's first real tweet?
Yes, she'll blame it over the dust up that ensued after she announced the death of her fiancée, Casey Johnson, via Twitter. Things got really weird when she tweeted to her beyond the grave. I can't say as I blame Tia. For a shot at love with her, I'm asking you, my dear readers, to bury me with this blog, my cell phone and my mortar board, so that I can keep her informed of my feats of derring-do on the other side.
As of this posting, Tia's Twitternemesis, Perez Hilton, had not yet responded to her self-imposed exile from the twitterverse.
In an unrelated death, William Shatner sent his condolences to the family of Justin Mentell, his Boston Legal costar, via Twitter. Why call or send a card when 140 characters is sufficient to convey how much somebody meant to you?
Now Shatner's tweet was written impeccably, so I don't know why his fellow Canadians think that Twitter is cause for alarm in the education of their youth.
Friends, I promise not to send condolences in my tweets. However, if I pass on from this world, please send me the occasional @message and follow my tweets. I promise to watch over you.
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- Politics.
- Internet.
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A masked vigilante, the Plasticgraduate is a 21st century crimefighter for truth and justice.
He writes from an undisclosed location in the great state of Oregon. There, he wages a lone battle in a world where the natives are bent on the destruction of humanity.
When not eliminating scum from the Earth, he lives peacefully with his family in the Plasticave.
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